Zomi Shelter Center

The camp is named Zomi Shelter Centre as a tribute to Lalzawmi (Zomi) Frankcom, a World Central Kitchen aid worker who was killed in Gaza on April 1st, together with six other colleagues from WCK, by an Israeli military airstrike. 

The camp consists of 100 tents for families, and in the past weeks 94 families have already moved in. At the moment, we have constructed 16 toilets and 8 showers, and there are more to come. There is also a facility for medical aid, a community kitchen, and a designated structure that will serve as a “school” for the children of the camp; we are coordinating parallel to other humanitarian organizations that offer food, medical aid, and education within the structures we have provided.

We are asking for your help to fund the acquisition and installation of a water desalination unit and two 5000-liter tanks to store water, as well as the upgrading of Zomi Shelter’s energy system with additional solar panels. This will allow us to provide clean water to approximately 3000 people, with an estimated cost of 15,000 euros. 

read more about our other project Sanitation and Water Solutions

read more about our other project Mesk and Layan Shelter