Newsletter #5


Dear community,

The situation in Gaza continues to deteriorate as the ongoing war forces more and more people from their homes and temporary shelters, creating an ever-growing humanitarian crisis. With each passing day, the number of displaced individuals rises, leaving communities in desperate need of safe spaces. The relentless violence has shattered infrastructure and deepens the suffering of civilians, many of whom have nowhere to turn for shelter or basic necessities. 

On this backdrop, we continue our efforts to alleviate adversity and to meet the communities’ basic needs. Here is a short summary of our activities in the past month.

Clean Water Initiatives

·    We successfully expanded our clean water distribution to reach 2,000 families across four different areas in South and Middle Gaza.

·    Acquired our very first desalination unit at a cost of $9,000, to provide 1000 litres (1 cubic meter) of clean water per hour. While it is not yet fully operational, due to high salinity levels in Zomi (above 8000 ppm) and a lack of sufficient energy sources, we have successfully connected the camp to an alternative water source by constructing new piping. Additionally, we are actively working to enhance the solar system for Zomi to ensure the full functionality of the desalination unit.

·    Connected the "Hind Rajab" IDP camp to the nearby municipal water supply, now providing safe drinking water to 120 families. We are working to expand the grid.

·    Connected “Mesk and Layan” IDP camp with water for WASH, app. 5-7 cubic meters per day.

Expanding our Reach to Serve More Displaced Communities

A displaced community in Zawideh has invited us to help improve the conditions of their recent accommodation. The camp, situated on 5 dunams of land, currently hosts 50 families and has the capacity to accommodate 50 more. Our team began working on installing a security fence and providing 40 toilets, and we are also enhancing their water delivery system.

Volunteer Spotlight

Lobaba, the Hero Behind Mesk and Layan 

Lobaba began volunteering to help displaced communities even before Clean Shelter was established, and played a major role in creating Mesk and Layan. Lobaba lost her job as a nurse due to the recent war. She is supporting over 1,000 families with unwavering dedication. Her resilience and compassion inspire us all, and we are proud to work alongside her.

Coordination with Other Organizations to Cover Other Needs

·    Our team of volunteers managed to transfer and deliver 325 food kits to Zomi Shelter Center.

·    Distributed tents in multiple locations, including Khan Younis, Zawadeh, and Dier El Balah, to provide better shelter for displaced families.

·    Distributed of 90 small ovens for 90 families in Zomi.

·    In addition, we are resuming our 100 toilets project to serve new locations with toilet cabinets and cleaning products.


Get Involved

We welcome you to make a donation and support our work.

Every donation counts and every sum is substantial, and 100% of the donations are used to finance our work on the ground.

In addition, you can spread the word, share our updates and newsletters with friends and family!

With gratitude,

Seba and Tom.


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