Help Us Establish a Camp


Help Us Establish a Camp for Displaced Families in Gaza!

The ongoing conflict in Gaza has left countless individuals and families displaced and without basic necessities. Among the most affected are households led by women, families with disabled members, the elderly, and individuals who have lost their support systems. These groups face severe hardships, from lack of shelter, food and water, to heightened health risks.

What’s the plan?

We are now launching a new project, to establish a new camp in Gaza for internally displaced persons (IDPs). This camp will provide safe shelter, sanitary facilities, and daily support to some of the most vulnerable communities in the region. It will also include sustainable infrastructure such as clean water and solar energy systems.
In the first phase, the new camp will be constructed on 5.5 dunams (5500 m2) of land, and will include 30 tents, 9 eco-friendly toilets and shower units, and a solar power system. 

A photo of the land we have agreed on leasing from its owner

Following the completion of the first phase, we will evaluate the needs and add more tents accordingly, aiming to serve as many people as we can by offering them a secure and dignified place to live during these difficult times. As always, we will continue to work in cooperation with other organizations to ensure food supply and other needed goods.

How Can You Help?

The estimated costs of the first phase are 30,000€. This will cover land leasing, a fence (5000€), sanitary infrastructure (approximately 7000€), tents, clean water supply, a solar power system (15,000€), and ongoing camp maintenance. We need your support to start the work as soon as possible. Every donation, big or small, will make a huge difference.

Donate now to help provide safe shelter and care to displaced families in Gaza! 

For more information on the different ways to make a donation, see or simply Click here to donate

We thank you for your help - every contribution brings security and dignity to those who need it most!

With gratitude,

Seba and Tom.


Newsletter #5